Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 12, 2010

Heartfelt thank you... :)

Hello there my lovely readers :),

Today is the last day of 2010 and this will also be the last post in 2010 for Lin Handmade Greeting Cards. I would like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you to all my dear customers, my sweet fans from my Facebook Page and my loyal followers at this blog who have been supporting my work and giving me so much of help, motivation and encouragement throughout this year. You guys have been so great, I can't thank you enough for everything! Lin Handmade Greeting Cards has evolved and improved a lot for the past one year. I really appreciate it all very much! Truly! :) It's been a great year for Lin Handmade Greeting Cards. 

One of my ways of thanking everyone for their support was to hold a blog giveaway, one for each month of the year. This way I get to give something back to my fans/customers/followers. It's actually a part of my bucket list too. I'm so grateful that I've managed to realize one of my dreams! Yay! :))

Each month I gave away prizes in the form of handmade greeting cards that I designed and produced myself. The number of prizes were determined by the number of each month. Starting with January 2010, which was month number 1, therefore only 1 winner was selected......till now, which is month number 12, therefore there will be 12 winners to be selected to win 12 handmade cards. Initially I gave more than one prize per winner, but due to time constraint and budget constraint, I had to limit to just 1 prize per winner. So sad....I wish I could have given more. :(

As you all know, today is the last day of the blog giveaway. I can hardly believe it. It has finally come to an end. The giveaway ends tonight at 11.59pm. There is still time for everyone to participate. Please take note that, I won't be holding anymore  blog giveaways next year as I have other plans lined up for Lin Handmade Greeting Cards in 2011. There will be a different kind of way for me to give back to my supporters........and it's nothing like the blog giveaway at all. So, do take this one of a kind chance to receive a gift from me by entering the last blog giveaway. Click at the link HERE to enter it. :) Don't miss it!

It has been a great challenge for me to handle the giveaways alone and I'm happy that I was able to pull it off all by myself. They say that if there is a will, there will always be a way. :). I wish everyone all the very best for the new year......I'm hoping more good things will happen for all of us and also for Lin Handmade Greeting Cards. :) Do keep on supporting ya!! :)

Gonna miss 2010 a lot but I can't wait to meet 2011. hehe! Happy New Year 2011 everyone!!! Wooohoooo!! ;)


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