Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 12, 2010

Storage ideas

During my trip to KL recently, I was asked by my fellow craft friends about how I store my craft materials especially my ribbons, buttons, beads, sequins etc etc. They are even interested to see what my studio looks like hehe!  Honestly I'm quite embarrassed to post photos of my studio here in my blog for all to see. Especially since it's just an old room that looks more like a store room to me! hehe! I love calling it my "studio" because it's where I work. Nothing fancy about it at all. It's simple and full of stuff!! You can even find lots of old junks in here as well! haha! :D

So I won't be showing you the full view of my studio yet! ha! Sorry! Instead I'll just share with you today some tips on how I store my craft materials.......IN A CHEAP WAY! LOL! :D

The photo you see above is actually my collection of buttons. I keep them all in plastic containers. Do the plastic containers look familiar to you?? Yes, you guessed it right! It's a yogurt container! Well, most of them are!  haha! I recycled them to be used as containers to keep all my collection of buttons. I didn't have enough money to buy really fancy compartments for buttons so I've been keeping all my buttons in these containers for years now. I marked the containers with markers so that I know which color buttons are in which containers. This way, I won't get confused when trying to find the right color buttons. :)

OK! OK!  PLEASE DON'T LAUGH YA! ;) This is how I store all my beads and sequins. Some I keep in yogurt containers, some in cupcake containers, some in hotel's shampoo and conditioner containers, some in medicine containers, some in chocolate containers and the list goes on and on. As long as the containers are plastic or made of see through glass, I'll use them to keep my beads and sequins in them. :P The truth is finally out! hahahah! :D

This is a plastic container where I use to keep all my ribbons! Look familiar?? Yup, it's the same plastic container you get whenever you buy cookies! haha! I always keep them whenever I buy cookies, so that I can use them to store my ribbons. I have so many ribbons in my collection and it's difficult to keep them neatly in boxes or drawers, so this plastic container helps keep them arranged neatly inside my drawer. 

See how neatly they are arranged in my drawer? I can even stack more ribbons on top of it if I buy more ribbons in future, so this technique really saves space :). I don't like to keep my ribbons outside because I don't want them to get dusty over time. So to keep them in good condition, I prefer to store them inside closed drawers such as this. 

You can also use this plastic container to keep all your small craft punch and your rubber stamps too. :) If you don't have drawers, you can always buy those affordable clear, see through plastic containers or Tupperwares to keep your small craft items. It's cheap, and you can stack them on top of each other to save space. :) 

So you see.....I don't have fancy storage boxes or fancy containers to keep my craft materials. I just use whatever I can find at home to store them. As long as they are kept nicely and neatly in my studio, I'm fine with it hehe! I guess I'm being practical since I don't have much to spend.  What is important is what I can produce with what I have. ;)

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