Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 12, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

I was very surprised recently to see in my blog chatbox, a message from a fellow quilling blogger, Miss Cheryl from Cards by Cheryl, saying that she has selected me as one of the 8 bloggers to receive a Stylish Blogger Award! Wow! Thank you so much Cheryl! This is very unexpected! Then, I found out later that I was also given the same award by another fellow blogger Miss Christina from Card Creations & More by C . How cool is that? Double YAY!!! :)

Accepting this award, I am asked to do the following:
  • Thank and link back to the person who awarded me this award.
  • Share 8 things about myself.
  • Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that I have recently discovered.
  • Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards. 

8 things about myself:

1. I love to sing when I'm driving alone.
2. I have sewn my own patchwork blanket twice.
3. I love to ride on a tricycle.
4. The number 4 is my favourite number since I was 9 years old.
5. I was born in the year of the Rabbit. I guess that's why I love carrots so much :D.
6. I'm a Libra.
7. I love reading the Reader's Digest.
8. I am allergic to seafood and I've forgotten what crabs taste like. :P

Now, I have to pay it forward to 8 bloggers (I'm gonna have a hard time figuring this one out!). haha!

1.  Share Your Love With Cards
2.  Doodle Design
3.  MisFydKrafts
4.  Miez Craft Shop
5.  Paper Frills Handmade Cards
6.  Simple Rhyme
7.  Created by Nasuha
8.  Uniquely Handmade

Last but not least.......thank you again to Cheryl and Christina for this lovely award. I am honored :).

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