Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 12, 2010

Swap and shop!

Lin and Miyyah posing with our swap cards  :)

 Quilled card and craft goodies from Miyyah :) Love them!!

YES!!!! I got the chance to meet up with my crafty friends recently during my trip to KL. Although it was quite a brief meeting, still we managed to do a few wonderful things together. One of the things  that we did was to swap cards with each other. :) Love that!

This time around I swapped cards with Miyyah from Miyyah@Kertas and also with Sazalina from Share.Your.Love.With.Cards. But Miyyah gave me more than just a card. She gave me so many craft goodies all wrapped up in a package together with her quilled flower card! Heaven! :)

  Lin and Sazalina posing with our swap cards...... :)
*Photo taken with permission from Miyyah@Kertas's Facebook album.

This is the card I received from Sazalina. Isn't it so beautiful? I love the beads that are used to decorate the card. Most of her cards have those type of beads decorated on it. I simply adore the idea :). 

These are the craft goodies I received from her a few weeks before the sweet! Love the ribbons especially! :)

Another activity that we did other than swapping cards was trying out Sazalina's Cuttlebug machine while having lunch at McDonalds! hehe! Here is a photo of Sazalina with her Cuttlebug. I love that machine!!! And I even got the chance to use it during our meeting. It was so cool and I was so super excited about trying it out for the first time.

*Photo taken with permission from Miyyah@Kertas Facebook photo album

Here is a photo of me looking as giddy as a school girl when trying out the Cuttlebug machine hehehe! Can't explain how excited I was playing with it. It's like a dream come true! hehe! Me and Miyyah had no idea how to use it....we were totally clueless. But we got lessons from Sazalina on how to use it and  it was a surprise to us that it's such an easy machine to use. It's so cool! I love that it can cut so many types of design and emboss patterns on  the paper too using the variety of templates available. I can play with it all day!! I want one!!!! :D

After the brief lunch, we headed towards Kajang where Sazalina took us to visit a craft store called Scrap n Crop. It's in a housing area. The minute we entered the house I was so amazed by the amount of craft tools and materials sold there! I went googoogaga and lalalalalalala! hahaha! It was one of those moments when you feel like you just got hit by the love bug. Fell head over heels over the many many craft items showcased there. I could hear my head playing the Frank Sinatra's song......"Heaven....I'm in heaven.....and my heart beats so that I could hardly speak......" heheh! :D 

 Sazalina inside Scrap n Crop shop. 
*Photo taken with permission from Miyyah@Kertas Facebook album.

I didn't take any photos while I was there. I was too busy looking for what to buy and what are the latest cool craft items there...hehehe! What can I say....all I could think of is....can I "camp" here?? Feels like there isn't enough time for us to spend there. Before we know it, it was already time to go home huhuhu! I did manage to get me some stamps though from Scrap n Crop hehe!

As you can see, I didn't buy a lot....just some stamps to inspire me hehe! There were so many clear stamps there that I wish I could own. They are so beautiful!! But unfortunately very very expensive for me to buy. So I just kept admiring them up close hehehe! I definitely had a great time there and honestly I just didn't want to go home. I hope to be able to go there again someday!! :)

A personal thank you to Sazalina..... I couldn't have gone to Scrap n Crop without your help. I really appreciate it!! We must do this again!!!! :) Thank you for everything dear! hehe!

Although the meeting was quite rushing....we did everything in a hurry because of the limited time we had. I truly enjoyed the company. Thank you Saza...Miyyah and Ayin.....hope to meet you girls again soon!! And hopefully we can spend more time crafting together! :)

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