Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 11, 2010

Prizes posted!

This morning I went out to post all the October's giveaway prizes to the 10 lucky winners. I felt so relieved that it is all settled. Now, I can concentrate fully on the November's giveaway. Lots of teddy bears to make this time around hehehe.....yup! 11 of them! At the same time, I'm thinking of what to do for the last giveaway this year....the December giveaway. Hmmm.....what shall I do...what shall I do???? Still can't decide...huhu.....perhaps when the time comes, the idea will pop into my head. :)

I have something special for my readers here soon......something that I hope you all would love. I haven't done this for a long time. I hope to do it in December for all my lovely loyal readers. It's a I can't tell you what it is yet. But do check out for it in December hehehe..... ;) 

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