Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 11, 2010

October's prizes done!

Finally! I managed to complete all the 10 quilled hot air balloon cards. Yay!! I really enjoyed making these babies. I'm going to miss them a lot once I post them to the 10 lucky winners hehehe. :D

To be honest, what I enjoyed most when making these cards is actually the part where I have to make the clouds. I love making them. So pure....and so so so easy hehehehe! The difficult part would be making the hot air balloons. It's quite tricky, especially when I need to glue the balloons on the card. It gets messy, luckily the mess made by the white glue does not show much on the paper once it's all dried up. Another problem I faced when making these hot air balloons is that I kept making them in different sizes. I couldn't make them in the same size. So I had to be careful with that.....gotta measure it so that at least, the sizes are nearly the same if not exactly the same. 

I already have something in mind for the November's giveaway. The idea is there.......but the complete design isn't there yet. It's coming...................SOON! ;)

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