Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 11, 2010

Quilled red teddy bear


I'm so happy I get to blog about this quilled red teddy bear today! Yay! I made this quilled red teddy bear before the flood together with the quilled pink teddy bear I made for the giveaway....but I never got the chance to do a card design for it. So today I decided to get it done! :) 

I wanted to do a simple and straight to the point kinda card you know. Just like other quilled artists I know of online who likes simple styles. I've always make my designs look complicated, so this time around I thought I'd give it a try and do simple designs and see how it turns out. 

As you can see, I used the same clear stamp that I used for the quilled pink teddy bear. But in this design since the card itself has a smooth finish, I was able to stamp the wordings on it instead of stamping it inside the card. And I love it!! :) :) :)

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