Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 1, 2011

Felted ornaments

This is not the first time I've received a Christmas card or a Christmas ornament from my friends who celebrates Christmas. But what makes it special this time is because the ornament is made from felt. I had no idea about hand needle felted craft before. This is the first time I'm seeing it. :)

A great pal of mine, CC Peyton, who now lives in New Mexico, USA, made it for me. She even printed her own Christmas card which she and hubby designed.....with Spanish wordings "Feliz Nevidad!" at the  front of the card which simply means "Merry Christmas" in English.

She knows I love BLUE and that's why she made the hand felted ornament blue in color....hehehe.....and her favourite color is blue as well by the way ;). CC and her hubby Ron make their own Christmas ornaments each year. It's more special when you try to make your own instead of buying them at the store. This way, it's more personalised as well to suit your theme or personality. 

Honestly, I've never even tried felt craft before. Been thinking about trying it out this year. Not sure yet when though, but will make an effort to create or incorporate felt craft in my handmade card designs. :) 

Thank you sweetie for this lovely card and gift! I love them!! ;)

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