Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 1, 2011

Temporarily closed

Dear readers and customers of LHGC,

I am truly sorry to announce that I will be taking a break from work for a while. :(  I won't be able to take orders till further notice. This is due to the problem I'm facing with my computer. I have not been able to solve the problem yet and it's difficult for me to work under this condition.

I'm posting this notice before things gets worse. I can't even use my Yahoo Mail.....even my Facebook is having problems....and now I can't even access my Nuffnang account. I have no idea why. Perhaps they are under attack by something huhuhu..... :'(

So yes......we are temporarily closed until further notice. For customers who have already ordered  cards and made payment to not worry,  I will get your orders done for you as promised.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I will update on the development once I get my problems resolved. 

Thank you.

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