Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 1, 2011

Soft pink and blue


Another birthday card request from my aunt this year hehe! She wanted me to design for her  a birthday card for her friend, Kak Ton......but she requested from me some other design that she had in mind, and I ended  up designing a totally different birthday card for her! Thank God she is easy to please hehe! I'm happy that she loves this design but for the next birthday card that I'm suppose to make for her other friend's birthday, I definitely have to follow her request or else! LOL! :D

The first thing I love about the design is of course the soft colors of blue and pink. I suppose I used those colors because recently I was doing the baby cards.....kept seeing pink and blue most of the time hehehe! So I got carried away and used those for this birthday card. :P

Secondly, is the tiny white flower sequins that I scattered on the stripes. I've never done that before for my previous stripe designs as I usually leave it as that and not add anything on it. But because this design seemed a little bare and the stripes made it seem plain, I just had to add something other than those simple quilled flowers and leaves to make the design complete.

I didn't have much idea for the pop up inside the card. I knew I wanted a simple  birthday cake but was having a hard time deciding what to decorate at the background. At first I stamped a few flower designs but in the end I threw that idea away and did those silver dots instead just to give some light texture. Something that's not too distracting. I wouldn't want people to loose focus on the pop up itself even though it's just a simple pop up...hehehe.

Note: Happy Birthday Kak Ton!! ;) May Allah grant you all your wishes now and always!

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