Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 1, 2011

Giveaway prizes posted!

Phew! I'm so happy today coz all the giveaway cards are done and posted! Well to be honest I only posted 10 prizes today to 10 of the winners because I only managed to get only 10 of them to contact me back  so far with their particulars. I'm still waiting for the other 2 winners to reply my message.

I can't believe that it's over.........the giveaways has come to an end. No more after this.  Felt a little sad all of a sudden huhuhu. Oh had to end one day. Hopefully someday I'll do it again when the timing is right hehehe.

I must say I love the stamping part! Stamping the wordings inside the card was fun! haha! Super easy of course. :D 

I hope all the cards will arrive to all the winners safely.......I would hate it if any gone missing in it's journey to it's destination. There has been cases before where things like that, I'm praying that  for this final giveaway all will be running smoothly.

So I guess this is it.................bye bye giveaways......till we meet again in future. ;)

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