Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 1, 2011

Life is sweet Quilling Blog Hop


Hi! Welcome to the "Life is Sweet" Blog Hop! I've been invited to join in the quilling blog hop by Leesandra Diaz from The Sweet Spot Cards. I haven't been well lately but I tried my best to get one design done for this special occasion. I hope I get to blog this on time hehe! It's a last minute thing! huhu! 

This is my first time ever to participate in a quilling blog hop. There are about 13 participants in this quilling blog hop from 5 continents. I have added the list of quiller for you to view below. Some of the participants are handing out blog candy as well! It would be great to check it out as you blog hop from one blog to another.

I made a design that is related to the theme itself. It's something I've never done before so I was super excited about making this ice cream cone. It's sweet hehe!'s ice's suppose to be sweet right? LOL. And like life.....we are suppose to enjoy it....just as much as we enjoy our ice cream. And I wrote something inside the card as well........something to relate to the wording on the card. "Life is sweet.......sweet like, you and me!" hehe! ;)

Thank you for hopping by here and do hop to the next quiller in line on the list! It's Amna! Have fun hopping! ;)

North American Quillers:

South American Quiller:

European Quillers:

Asian Quillers:

African Quiller:

Australian Quiller:

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