Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 1, 2011

Art on canvas

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Have you ever tried to create an artwork on canvas? I haven't. Never in my life. And now I get the chance to give it shot. :)

I received an invitation last December to join an ATC swap hosted by Miss Yusniza Yusof from Blossominch. She makes her ATCs using canvas as the base instead of paper. It's really interesting since I've never worked on canvas before. So it'll be a new experience for me. 

The ATC you see above is the one she made for me. Now is my turn to make one for her to swap with. I still have no great ideas for my ATC yet. Still sketching out what I want to decorate on it. I've already bought canvas for me to use to make my ATCs. Luckily they sell them here and it's not that expensive to purchase. They even sell them in small packages for those who don't plan to use a lot of them at one time. 

Thank you Yusniza for this lovely ATC. I love it! :)  I'll need a special place to keep my ATCs from now onwards. ;)

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