Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 1, 2011

Crochet flowers

I was out all day.....didn't get the chance to make any card at all  today huhuhu. But at least I got other important things in my list done and feeling so happy about it. :)

I just wanted to share something I did a while back and love doing too in my spare time.  Crochet flowers! hehe! I learn to crochet from my aunt. She's very good at it. Luckily I have her here to teach me a thing or two about crocheting flowers because I plan to use them as embellishments on my handmade cards. 

I also plan on making the leaves...still learning how to do it though...hehe...lots of patience need for this technique. I was thinking of selling them as well on my blog if anyone is interested. I don't have a  lot of  colored yarns to choose collection of crochet flowers at the moment are only in these three colors. Plan to purchase other colored yarns in future. :)

As you can see......these crochet flowers is the simplest crochet pattern I know of how to do..hehehehe. Still learning...still learning.... :)

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