Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 1, 2011

Ayeen's Craft's Blog Giveaway

Oh my gosh! I almost forgot about this giveaway! Thank God I still got time to enter it! hehe! Believe it or not, today is the last day to enter this giveaway....huhuhu! I hope Ayeen will accept my entry ;)

This is Ayeen's New Year's Craft Giveaway and she is giving away all those goodies you see at the above photo! I want them all hehe!!! Especially those yummylicious colorful felt...8 different colors of them!  Love the ribbons too!

It's an easy giveaway to enter too! I'm joining it! So can you! It's not too late! ;)

View her giveaway at the link below:

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