Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 1, 2011

Floral Fantasies January Candy!

Oh my gosh!!! Just look at those stamps!!!! If only they were mine mine mine! hahaha! Sorry, please excuse me.....I'm a bit over excited looking at those delicious candy offered by Floral Fantasies. :D

Miss Brenda who is the blog owner of Floral Fantasies is holding her first blog candy for this year.....and the candy she is offering includes gorgeous glittered MME DP's, mounted and unmounted stamps, ink pads, flowers, pearly doodles, metallic rub on's and cardstock.

Her January candy ends on Tuesday, 25th of January 2011. So I still got time to enter it and stand a chance to win this wonderful candy :).

If you would like to participate in this January candy you can enter it by clicking at the link --->  HERE.

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