Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 1, 2011

Be mine


I'm sure a lot of people have seen card designs that are made using just one type of white or off white. I've seen a lot of those lately and inspired to do the same. But instead of white decorations on a white card.......I decided to do red on red simply for Valentine's day :).

I love the chubby heart so much and wanted to give it a new twist. Usually I would use a smaller card stock whenever I make quilled hearts, but this time I decided to go just a little bigger. Just a little hehe! And I can see that the chubby heart looks right at home with this size of card. It's just nice. :)

If you look closely......most of the tight coils I made are of the same size....except some teeny tiny ones that I made to close the gaps in between the tight coils. I kinda like this method better than the ones I've done before actually hehe. I think in future, this is how I will do it for all my new quilled heart cards.

The card above is the same as the card below except for the wording "Be mine" on it. ;) Just wanted to see the difference between the two. Some prefer the quilled heart without any wordings and some prefer some at the side of it.


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