Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 1, 2011

Solitaire heart


I must say that this is the simplest card I've ever made in my history of card making! LOL! :D Well....close. Perhaps there were other designs I've made in the past that were simpler but I've forgotten already. Don't blame me if I forget these happens sometimes hehehe.....perhaps I need to eat more Omega-3 supplements for better memory! ;)

I've been on my "experimenting mode" lately.  Experimenting with my new clear stamps hehe. I bought some new ones recently and I've been wanting to try them out. And this is just one of the experiments that I'm loving at the moment. As you can see from the photo above, what I did was I stamped on the red card stock using a script writing clear stamp with black ink. I stamped it a few times to get that effect on the whole  front page of the card. In other words, I sort of decorated the empty card stock with the script writing stamp all over it. 

Then, I just lined a black ribbon at the side of the card and glued a medium sized colourful quilled heart at the bottom of it. Simple right? It's a quick and easy way to make a card if you are in a hurry! hehe! :)

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