Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 1, 2011

Blue butterfly


My second quilled butterfly! And it's blue! Sweet soft blue hehehe... ;)

Actually, this design is a request I got from a customer who was interested in 3 of my previous card designs. So I was asked to combine 3 different designs into 1! hehe! She was interested in my first quilled card which was a simple flower design I made using tight coils. You can view the card HERE.

She was also interested in the quilled butterfly that I made in the butterfly card at the link HERE . She wanted me to add it in this new card design. So I did as per request but changed the colors because she wanted pastel colors for her card. It's actually suppose to be a birthday card but I decided to publish it first before adding the wordings because I kinda like the card as it is without any wordings on it hehe! :)

The pop up design inside the card is actually from a thank you card that I made long time ago which she love so much and wanted me to add in this card. You can view the card at the link HERE. It's the same design but I changed the colors to match the colors of the quilled flowers. I must admit since I haven't done this pop up design for quite a while, so when I had to do it again, it was pretty tough! hehe! I've forgotten how to do it! LOL! :D Lesson learned!

I kinda like how the quilled flowers look like now compared to the ones I made the first time because the tight coils I made now looks much neater. I realised my earlier mistakes and tried to make it better this time. I also like the leaves I made because it's a combination of two different colors for each leaf. This is the first time for me to use this kind of technique. It's kinda tricky the first time but after doing it for a while, it's fun, fun, fun! :)

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