Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 1, 2011

CardMaker Magazine + Card Giveaway!


Ann Martin from All Things Paper is doing a giveaway this month! Yay! And I'm joining it! Yup! It's just too good to I'm entering it to try my luck! I love what she is giving away's a handmade quilled card she created and a card magazine. It's the only American magazine that features quilling in it and offers a variety of quilling techniques in it too.

The card is so cute! Especially the 3 little chicks she made using the rick rack ribbons. That's a very cool idea! :)

The giveaway ends this Thursday 6th of January. So there is still time for everyone to enter it. I hope I'll win it! hehe! Wish me luck! ;)

Check out this link HERE if you wish to enter it too! ;)

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