Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 12, 2010

ATC Swap

 ATC made by CC Peyton

 ATC made by CC Peyton

ATC made by CC Peyton

ATC made by Sandi Staley

ATC made by yours truly ;)

I am on a project right now. It does not have anything to do with card making though. It's an ATC swap that I've joined last month at Mangoesteenskin's blog. She's hosting it and I thought it would be fun to join :). Honestly I think this is the second time I'm making an ATC for an ATC swap. I've swapped an ATC before with my friend CC who is staying in USA.....she was the one who taught me what ATC is all about. I don't make ATCs a lot, in fact I've only made one so far! haha! And I've received 4. One is a beaded ATC, the other is a drawing and the other one is more like scrapbooking technique. The ATC I made for CC was a beaded ATC. That was the first time ever I tried my hand at beading an ATC. I didn't have a camera at the time so I scanned a photo of  it instead.

The deadline of ATC swap is on the 14th of December 2010 and I haven't a clue of what I want to do yet. Yikes!! I'm supposed to do 3 ATCs for the swap and I am allowed to use any kind of medium to draw or paint. So today I started to seriously think it through and get it started once and for all. I know if I don't start something now, then I'll never get anything started at all......I'll just keep postponing it day by day. Off I went to search for my coloring pencils and paper that would be suitable for ATCs.

I cut out the ATC cards in the required size which is 2.5 inches x 3.5 inches. Luckily I have available with me a smooth thick paper that's suitable for drawing and coloring. It's one of the card stock I use for my card making hehehehe. I tested the color pencils on it and it looks good :). I haven't done any coloring or drawing or painting in a long long time. I used to love doing it so much. Especially when I was studying art and design at ITM long long time ago hehehee.......gosh I suddenly feel so ancient when I use the words "long long time ago" hahahaha. :D.

My problem now is the subject matter. Still no clue yet......nothing......blank!!!! I hope tonight I'll dream of something really nice and hopefully it will give me some ideas hehehehehhee! :D Wish me luck!!!

Oh! By the way! If you are interested to participate in this ATC swap, there is still time for you to do so. Do visit Mangoesteenskin's blog to join in the fun! Go to this link HERE to find out more about it! :)

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