Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 12, 2010

White love birds on black


After reading a comment from my fellow blogger and card maker, Miss Azilah from Cupcake Craft and Handmade Card, who suggested that the wedding love birds would look lovely on a black card, I immediately thought it was a good idea to try. So I did! ;) And here it is hehehe......hope you like it Azilah :). 

I made some changes on the branch to make it look different from the wedding love birds card I made yesterday. I guess that's one of the difference other than the change of color. :) This card is not exactly black.....but it's actually dark metallic grey. I purposely chose this color  instead of a pitch black card to tone down the contrast  between the white paper and the background of the card and also to make it look more elegant with the metallic color. :)

p.s. My Mom made a comment too when she saw these white wedding love birds......she said, "Why  did you make the birds look white like ghosts??!!". "Is this a sympathy card for those who have lost a loved one?" Hahahaha!! Then I said...."No's A WEDDING CARD laaaaaaaaaa! The birds symbolizes the bride and the groom......brides usually wear white on their wedding day remember??? hahahahaha........gosh!! :D

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