Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 12, 2010

Chubby heart

Which one you love best?? The chubby heart on the left or the slim heart on the right? hehe! I am finding it hard to decide because I kinda love them both right now. Originally, I have been making the quilled heart card using the slim heart template but recently I got a request from a customer to make the heart look a little chubbier. And so I did it!! As per request. ;) She is very happy with it of course hehe....but the whole idea got me thinking...hmmmmm ;)

You see...when I think about it, perhaps the chubby heart should be made on a bigger card to make it look  more balanced? What do you think? Because all this time, I've been making those hearts on that small card with that particular slim heart size and I've always thought that it's the right size of heart for the card. Now, when I look at the chubby heart, I question myself whether I should be making them in that size or should I just stick to the original slim heart size. Decisions decisions! hehe! Should I change the size for good?? Or should I just do both hehehe! After all, art is subjective right? ;)

So..........I would like to know your opinion on this matter........which quilled heart card you love best? The chubby one or the slim one? ;)

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