Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 12, 2010

Results of the November 2010 Blog Giveaway!

Hello there my lovely readers!

Alhamdulillah, I've managed to check all the entries of last month's blog giveaway this evening. Thank you so much to everyone who tried their luck at winning the teddy bear card. I really really appreciate it! :) There were quite a big number of participants this time. Luckily for the Random.Org I was able to do the lucky draw easily hehehe. I don't have the time to write the names and draw them out like I did months before. Especially with a big number of participants, it's takes too much of my time :).

OK! Without further ado..... after doing the lucky draw, here are the names of the 11 lucky winners for November 2010 Blog Giveaway!!! Check it out!!

Goh Gaik Po


Kushboo Desai


Fatin a.k.a Aten

Joyah Lisa



Miss Nadrah



Congratulations to all the winners!!!! Please contact me at my email address below to claim your prizes. Do write your full name and complete mailing address. Please make sure you write them correctly ya, to ensure safe delivery.

Thank you so much again to all who have supported me on this journey. I am lost for words when it comes to these things. But let it be known that I really do feel grateful for everyone's support. I can't thank you enough.


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