Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 12, 2010

Missing you


This is my first ever attempt to make quilled birds. I just made the simplest ever quilled bird!! hahaha! So much so that I didn't even made the eyes or beak for it. It's as simple as simple can be. :D

I showed it to my Mom and she said that the branch I made has defied gravity!! LOL! hahaha! So true! It looks like it's hanging in mid air! :D Well......that's how it is.  Each has it's own interpretation of what they see in the artwork. So I just leave it to your imagination. :)

Actually, this card I made is for the December giveaway. I needed a simple design for it. And this is what I came up with. Still in the love theme concept though. Probably because I love that theme so much hehehe.

I used another one of my clear stamp collection with the wordings "missing you". I think it's cute. Suits the card as the card is quite small. I have to make 12 of this card design in December.... :). Wish me luck!!! hehe!

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