Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 12, 2010

Miyyah@Kertas first giveaway!!

* Photo above taken from Miyyah@Kertas blog

A giveaway!!! From Miyyah@Kertas!!! Woohoo! I've been waiting for Miyyah to do a giveaway for quite sometime now hehehe! I thought I should try my luck even though I know it's not going to be easy for me to win it. I've been holding giveaways for one whole year at my own blog so I thought to myself.......part of my new year resolution is to join as many giveaways as I can for a change! haha! And this is a start! ;).

Just look at that beautiful photo album she decorated with those quilled decorations. So beautiful! :) She said that the photo album she's giving away won't be the exact same design though.......but something that looks similar to the photo above. Plus, the quilling strips she is using for this particular design will be 1mm in size instead of the usual 3mm paper strips. So that would be really nice to see! Can't wait! :)

It's a pretty easy giveaway to join as why not? I'm already a loyal follower, and have been admiring her work ever since I found out about her blog in 2009 if I'm not mistaken. Just looking at her blog for the first time inspired me so much to do quilling. I didn't have anyone to teach me how to do quilling in the beginning so I studied her blog in and out! haha! Initially, her tutorials helped me understand what quilling is all about and I first knew about the mini paper shredder from her blog as well. I never knew such a machine existed if it was not for her...haha! I mean, I know about paper shredders before.....but a "MINI" paper shredder??? Who knew! hehe! The mini paper shredder really helped me a lot with my quilling adventures. I just can't quill without it now! :D

So, if you love quilling crafts like I do, come and join Miyyah's first giveaway now! :) Click at the link HERE :) and post your entry at her giveaway post. Wish me luck!! hehe!

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