Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 12, 2010

White Nativity set

Isn't it a beauty? I won this 3D white nativity set quilled by Miss Cheryl of Cards by Cheryl. I can't believe I will be receiving this white nativity set soon! I am still amazed by what happened. I entered the blog candy at the last minute and I found out the next day that I won. This is really sweet because I've never won anything , I mean I've never won any craft work from any craft artist before.....locally or internationally.

Miss Cheryl hosted a blog candy last month and I wasn't even aware of it until the very last day. Been extremely busy with work as usual has led me to forget important occasions and missed a few good opportunities as well that came along my way. I guess it was written that I would catch the blog candy on time before it ended and submitted my entry and be part of the running to win this amazing white nativity set.

Even though I don't celebrate Christmas, I do appreciate good art and craft skills from fellow artist who create artwork using the quilling technique which I have come to adore very very much. I myself have never done 3D quilling before and I really admire those who have done so and are doing it so very well too. :) I just might give it a try myself one day. Who knows ya......inspired by the white nativity set, I think I just might! hehe!

Thank you again Cheryl for this wonderful gift. Words just cannot express any further how honored and blessed I am to be receiving this gift from you.......I shall treasure it always :).

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