Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 12, 2010

Red owl themed cards


I made these red owl themed cards for a good friend of mine. She ordered them months ago. I was suppose to get the order done earlier but kept postponing making them until now. So I told myself, I have to get them done before the year ends. I'm so happy that I managed to get them all done today. I can post all of them tomorrow. Phew! 

At first I made the design horizontal......then I remembered that, she wanted the cards to be vertical. So that's why there are two versions of the design. One horizontal and the other is vertical. You can view the vertical design below.


I've made owl cards before but the design of the quilled owl was a lot different and more complicated to make. This time around I made a simpler version. I love it because it's cuter and chubbier hehehehe. I don't know why I like to make things look chubby these days. My teddy bear is chubby and now even my owls are chubby hahahha. :D I like the owl's eyes as well.......they are so big....the owls look like it's been possessed!  Or hypnotized! hahaha! So funny!

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