Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 12, 2010

Blog candy from Scrapcollector

I was blog hopping this morning and I saw this blog candy from my fellow blogger's post. I just couldn't resist trying my luck to win this blog candy from Yenni  Natalia of Scrapcollector. Don't they look so delicious??? Oh my! I'm just drooling over those clear stamps and all the other goodies she's offering.

Yenni is hosting this blog candy for the very first time. Her blog candy ends on the 10th of December 2010, so that means, there's still a lot of time for me to participate hehehehe. I hope to be the lucky winner hehehe. Just trying my luck! But I really really really hope I can win it!!!! ;) She will be announcing the winner on the 12th of December 2010. Oooooooh! Can't wait!!!

If you wish to try out your luck visit this link HERE and submit your entry! ;)

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