Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 1, 2011

Temporarily closed

Dear readers and customers of LHGC,

I am truly sorry to announce that I will be taking a break from work for a while. :(  I won't be able to take orders till further notice. This is due to the problem I'm facing with my computer. I have not been able to solve the problem yet and it's difficult for me to work under this condition.

I'm posting this notice before things gets worse. I can't even use my Yahoo Mail.....even my Facebook is having problems....and now I can't even access my Nuffnang account. I have no idea why. Perhaps they are under attack by something huhuhu..... :'(

So yes......we are temporarily closed until further notice. For customers who have already ordered  cards and made payment to not worry,  I will get your orders done for you as promised.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I will update on the development once I get my problems resolved. 

Thank you.

Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 1, 2011

Life is sweet Quilling Blog Hop


Hi! Welcome to the "Life is Sweet" Blog Hop! I've been invited to join in the quilling blog hop by Leesandra Diaz from The Sweet Spot Cards. I haven't been well lately but I tried my best to get one design done for this special occasion. I hope I get to blog this on time hehe! It's a last minute thing! huhu! 

This is my first time ever to participate in a quilling blog hop. There are about 13 participants in this quilling blog hop from 5 continents. I have added the list of quiller for you to view below. Some of the participants are handing out blog candy as well! It would be great to check it out as you blog hop from one blog to another.

I made a design that is related to the theme itself. It's something I've never done before so I was super excited about making this ice cream cone. It's sweet hehe!'s ice's suppose to be sweet right? LOL. And like life.....we are suppose to enjoy it....just as much as we enjoy our ice cream. And I wrote something inside the card as well........something to relate to the wording on the card. "Life is sweet.......sweet like, you and me!" hehe! ;)

Thank you for hopping by here and do hop to the next quiller in line on the list! It's Amna! Have fun hopping! ;)

North American Quillers:

South American Quiller:

European Quillers:

Asian Quillers:

African Quiller:

Australian Quiller:

Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 1, 2011

Floral Fantasies Candy

I haven't been able to blog for the past few days now. Not well actually. But since I'm feeling a little better now, I'm gonna enter a blog candy tonight..hehehe. Yes, it's more candy from Floral Fantasies! I'm entering it again. I wasn't lucky the first time so I'll keep on trying and trying and see if there is any luck for me to win these wonderful candy from this blog. 

This blog candy will run till 24th of February! Come and join in the fun! :) Go to the link HERE to enter!

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 1, 2011

Be mine


I'm sure a lot of people have seen card designs that are made using just one type of white or off white. I've seen a lot of those lately and inspired to do the same. But instead of white decorations on a white card.......I decided to do red on red simply for Valentine's day :).

I love the chubby heart so much and wanted to give it a new twist. Usually I would use a smaller card stock whenever I make quilled hearts, but this time I decided to go just a little bigger. Just a little hehe! And I can see that the chubby heart looks right at home with this size of card. It's just nice. :)

If you look closely......most of the tight coils I made are of the same size....except some teeny tiny ones that I made to close the gaps in between the tight coils. I kinda like this method better than the ones I've done before actually hehe. I think in future, this is how I will do it for all my new quilled heart cards.

The card above is the same as the card below except for the wording "Be mine" on it. ;) Just wanted to see the difference between the two. Some prefer the quilled heart without any wordings and some prefer some at the side of it.


Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 1, 2011

Floral Fantasies January Candy!

Oh my gosh!!! Just look at those stamps!!!! If only they were mine mine mine! hahaha! Sorry, please excuse me.....I'm a bit over excited looking at those delicious candy offered by Floral Fantasies. :D

Miss Brenda who is the blog owner of Floral Fantasies is holding her first blog candy for this year.....and the candy she is offering includes gorgeous glittered MME DP's, mounted and unmounted stamps, ink pads, flowers, pearly doodles, metallic rub on's and cardstock.

Her January candy ends on Tuesday, 25th of January 2011. So I still got time to enter it and stand a chance to win this wonderful candy :).

If you would like to participate in this January candy you can enter it by clicking at the link --->  HERE.

Really Reasonable Ribbon's Giveaway!

Really Reasonable Ribbon's Ramblings is holding a giveaway! Their blog is approaching it's one year anniversary and they are celebrating it by holding up this wonderful giveaway to thank their readers. I've just become their new reader! hehe!

I love those ribbons and but what really caught my eye is the Scor Buddy Mini Scoring Tablet! So cool! It's definitely one of the things that any card maker would want to own. :)

I'm trying my luck for this giveaway. Really hope to win it! :) They will be drawing out a winner on the 26th of January 2011. If you would like to try it out too, do visit the link HERE.

Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 1, 2011

Blue butterfly


My second quilled butterfly! And it's blue! Sweet soft blue hehehe... ;)

Actually, this design is a request I got from a customer who was interested in 3 of my previous card designs. So I was asked to combine 3 different designs into 1! hehe! She was interested in my first quilled card which was a simple flower design I made using tight coils. You can view the card HERE.

She was also interested in the quilled butterfly that I made in the butterfly card at the link HERE . She wanted me to add it in this new card design. So I did as per request but changed the colors because she wanted pastel colors for her card. It's actually suppose to be a birthday card but I decided to publish it first before adding the wordings because I kinda like the card as it is without any wordings on it hehe! :)

The pop up design inside the card is actually from a thank you card that I made long time ago which she love so much and wanted me to add in this card. You can view the card at the link HERE. It's the same design but I changed the colors to match the colors of the quilled flowers. I must admit since I haven't done this pop up design for quite a while, so when I had to do it again, it was pretty tough! hehe! I've forgotten how to do it! LOL! :D Lesson learned!

I kinda like how the quilled flowers look like now compared to the ones I made the first time because the tight coils I made now looks much neater. I realised my earlier mistakes and tried to make it better this time. I also like the leaves I made because it's a combination of two different colors for each leaf. This is the first time for me to use this kind of technique. It's kinda tricky the first time but after doing it for a while, it's fun, fun, fun! :)

Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 1, 2011

Ayeen's Craft's Blog Giveaway

Oh my gosh! I almost forgot about this giveaway! Thank God I still got time to enter it! hehe! Believe it or not, today is the last day to enter this giveaway....huhuhu! I hope Ayeen will accept my entry ;)

This is Ayeen's New Year's Craft Giveaway and she is giving away all those goodies you see at the above photo! I want them all hehe!!! Especially those yummylicious colorful felt...8 different colors of them!  Love the ribbons too!

It's an easy giveaway to enter too! I'm joining it! So can you! It's not too late! ;)

View her giveaway at the link below:

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 1, 2011

Soft pink and blue


Another birthday card request from my aunt this year hehe! She wanted me to design for her  a birthday card for her friend, Kak Ton......but she requested from me some other design that she had in mind, and I ended  up designing a totally different birthday card for her! Thank God she is easy to please hehe! I'm happy that she loves this design but for the next birthday card that I'm suppose to make for her other friend's birthday, I definitely have to follow her request or else! LOL! :D

The first thing I love about the design is of course the soft colors of blue and pink. I suppose I used those colors because recently I was doing the baby cards.....kept seeing pink and blue most of the time hehehe! So I got carried away and used those for this birthday card. :P

Secondly, is the tiny white flower sequins that I scattered on the stripes. I've never done that before for my previous stripe designs as I usually leave it as that and not add anything on it. But because this design seemed a little bare and the stripes made it seem plain, I just had to add something other than those simple quilled flowers and leaves to make the design complete.

I didn't have much idea for the pop up inside the card. I knew I wanted a simple  birthday cake but was having a hard time deciding what to decorate at the background. At first I stamped a few flower designs but in the end I threw that idea away and did those silver dots instead just to give some light texture. Something that's not too distracting. I wouldn't want people to loose focus on the pop up itself even though it's just a simple pop up...hehehe.

Note: Happy Birthday Kak Ton!! ;) May Allah grant you all your wishes now and always!

Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 1, 2011

Art on canvas

Front view

Back view

Have you ever tried to create an artwork on canvas? I haven't. Never in my life. And now I get the chance to give it shot. :)

I received an invitation last December to join an ATC swap hosted by Miss Yusniza Yusof from Blossominch. She makes her ATCs using canvas as the base instead of paper. It's really interesting since I've never worked on canvas before. So it'll be a new experience for me. 

The ATC you see above is the one she made for me. Now is my turn to make one for her to swap with. I still have no great ideas for my ATC yet. Still sketching out what I want to decorate on it. I've already bought canvas for me to use to make my ATCs. Luckily they sell them here and it's not that expensive to purchase. They even sell them in small packages for those who don't plan to use a lot of them at one time. 

Thank you Yusniza for this lovely ATC. I love it! :)  I'll need a special place to keep my ATCs from now onwards. ;)

Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 1, 2011

Felted ornaments

This is not the first time I've received a Christmas card or a Christmas ornament from my friends who celebrates Christmas. But what makes it special this time is because the ornament is made from felt. I had no idea about hand needle felted craft before. This is the first time I'm seeing it. :)

A great pal of mine, CC Peyton, who now lives in New Mexico, USA, made it for me. She even printed her own Christmas card which she and hubby designed.....with Spanish wordings "Feliz Nevidad!" at the  front of the card which simply means "Merry Christmas" in English.

She knows I love BLUE and that's why she made the hand felted ornament blue in color....hehehe.....and her favourite color is blue as well by the way ;). CC and her hubby Ron make their own Christmas ornaments each year. It's more special when you try to make your own instead of buying them at the store. This way, it's more personalised as well to suit your theme or personality. 

Honestly, I've never even tried felt craft before. Been thinking about trying it out this year. Not sure yet when though, but will make an effort to create or incorporate felt craft in my handmade card designs. :) 

Thank you sweetie for this lovely card and gift! I love them!! ;)

Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 1, 2011

Big smile!

I have a big smile on my face today.... :) and one of the many reasons why I have a big smile on my face today is because for the first time ever, I got a handmade thank you card from one of the winners of my blog giveaway! Yay!! It's from Miss Fairuz Farhana from Craft Anggor :).

She made a thank you card for me using the quilling technique and also a technique that I would also love to explore more which is sewing on paper. I've tried sewing on paper years ago but I added beads and sequins to it as well. Never tried to do wordings before using this technique. So it's something that I would love to try out this year. :)

Thank you so much Fairuz for taking the trouble to make this lovely card for me and also making your own envelope from scratch. I'm so happy to receive this card from you. Words cannot express any further how happy I am.....God bless you dear! ;)

Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 1, 2011

It's A Girl!


It's a girl! It's a girl! A cute little baby girl sleeping in that sweet soft pink cloth...hehehe. ;)

This is the exact same design and layout like yesterday's new baby boy card design except that I simply changed the color combination. My Mom seem to love this one better just because of the colors, but I love them both hehehe. :)

I had fun making this new baby much so that I made a few of them last night for sale....and also for my own use. ;)

Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 1, 2011

It's A Boy!


It's a boy!! It's a boy!! hehehe! :D

A cute purple and blue theme new baby card for a cute baby boy. :) This is a request I got from my Mom.....she wants to give it to her best friend who's daughter just delivered a baby boy. She asked me to make a simple one like I did before but I wanted to make it a little different this time around.

It's nice to once in a while move away from the quilling technique and try making cards with my old style of card making hehe. I haven't made cards like this in such a long time. I miss doing those stripes on my cards hehehe! 

But I couldn't help but put one quilling element on the card. Can you see it?? Yup! It's the baby's hair hahaha! I made it using a 1mm black paper strip that I cut by hand. I plan to make another one for a baby girl.....using the same design but with a different color combination. Will publish it here soon! :)

Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 1, 2011

Purple mini teddy bears



I made a couple more teddy bear bookmarks today and this time they are in purple theme. I think I love the way the hearts are arranged in this bookmark more than the ones I made yesterday hehe. :) What do you think? ;)

The ribbons used for these bookmarks are different as well. I chose to use the 1/8 inch type of ribbons instead of the usual 1/4 inch I've used yesterday and I am able to mix 2 different colors of ribbons to match the colors on the bookmark.

I've made bookmarks before....lots of them and had them published in my other blog which is at Anilza Beads, but most of them have beads on them. I think from now on, anything that's related to paper will be published here instead and Anilza Beads will just be a blog that's focused on crafts that's more focused on beads.

I had people asking me if these teddy bear bookmarks are for sale. Yes, they are! :) Feel free to email me at if you are interested to purchase them. Or you can fill up the order form at the How To Order tab at the top of the blog. Thanks! ;)

Teddy bear bookmarks




I'd like to share with everyone today what I made with those cute mini teddy bears I made last month. I made love theme bookmarks with them! hehe! :) There are 3 different bookmarks that I made in this set. 

I used the quilling technique for the teddy bears and cut out by hand those red, dark pink and soft pink foam hearts. It's a simple bookmark...and sweet too hehe :)

What I love most about my bookmarks is that I get to use those eyelets on them. I was really excited that I get to use them for my bookmarks and for future designs on my handmade cards. It makes the bookmark look a little fancy hehehe. ;)

Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 1, 2011

Crochet flowers

I was out all day.....didn't get the chance to make any card at all  today huhuhu. But at least I got other important things in my list done and feeling so happy about it. :)

I just wanted to share something I did a while back and love doing too in my spare time.  Crochet flowers! hehe! I learn to crochet from my aunt. She's very good at it. Luckily I have her here to teach me a thing or two about crocheting flowers because I plan to use them as embellishments on my handmade cards. 

I also plan on making the leaves...still learning how to do it though...hehe...lots of patience need for this technique. I was thinking of selling them as well on my blog if anyone is interested. I don't have a  lot of  colored yarns to choose collection of crochet flowers at the moment are only in these three colors. Plan to purchase other colored yarns in future. :)

As you can see......these crochet flowers is the simplest crochet pattern I know of how to do..hehehehe. Still learning...still learning.... :)

Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 1, 2011

For the girl who stole my heart #2


I received a request from a customer who wished for a V038 card design with a different color combination. A combination of RED and WHITE. I kinda like the idea of seeing those two colors combined in this design. I had to add soft pink in it to soften the tone a little. The silver color always adds a sparkle in the design. :)

There was no request for pop ups, so I didn't make one. Just some wordings printed inside that was so beautifully written by my customer. How I wished someone would send me something like that hehehee.